The Lost World

In this silent film (found on Roku channel My Retro Flix), Professor Challenger is taking a lot of heat from the press over his claims that living, breathing dinosaurs can be found deep in the Amazon. What the press doesn't know is that his information comes from a woman, Miss Paula White, who has seen them herself while exploring with her father. Her father was left behind, and Professor Challenger has offered to raise money to launch an expedition to find him. Journalist Edward Malone convinces his paper to finance the expedition. The group consists of Professor Challenger, Edward Malone, Miss Paula White, adventurer/sportsman Sir John Roxton, and the sceptical Professor Summerlee. 

When they arrive in the Amazon, they see for themselves that every word was true. While they unfortunately do not find Miss White's father, they do find a Brontosaurus that they bring back to London with them. Sadly he escapes and terrorizes the city before escaping and swimming away. 

I can only imagine based on how much I enjoyed it, what a marvel it would have been in 1925. There's even a bit of romance, and if fighting dinosaurs and romance doesn't lure you in, their stylish safari outfits definitely will!


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