
In this 1927 silent German film, the well to do citizens live above ground while the workers live below in poverty. The city is run by Joh Fredersen. His son Freder wastes his days living a charmed life until a young woman named Maria  shows up at the pleasure gardens with the children of the workers. Freder instantly falls in love and and seeks her out. She is telling the workers of a prophecy where a mediator will come and bring those above and those below together. Fredersen and Rotwang, a scientist, also hear this prophecy. Fredersen orders Rotwang to give a robot he has made the likeness of Maria and use it to ruin her reputation with the workers. This is done and the robot dances seductively and causes chaos.

Eventually she incites a riot among the workers causing them to revolt and destroy the machine, but this causes the flooding of their own homes. Believing their children dead (they have been rescued by the real Maria), they decide to kill Maria who they believe has caused their grief and agony. Freder is distraught as they burn Maria at the stake. She laughs maniacally as it is revealed she is really the robot. Rotwang chases the real Maria to the roof of a church followed by Freder who fights Rotwang. Rotwang dies by falling off the roof, and Freder fulfills the prophecy and unites the 2 factions. 

This movie may be silent, but it was also very ahead of its time as well as visually stunning. The only oddity i have to point out is that Brigitte Helm, who plays Maria, moves in the strangest ways I have ever seen. Still definitely worth the watch so catch this classic on Netflix before it is gone. 


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