Invasion of the Saucermen

Year: 1957
Director: Edward L. Cahn
Roku Channel: Ov Guide

A flying saucer complete with aliens lands in the woods near town. When Johnny and Joan run down one of the aliens while driving without headlights after leaving lover's lane, they attempt to alert the authorities. Understandably the police don't take the report of little green men from a couple of teenagers very seriously.

In an unusual turn of events, the aliens kill a man and plant him in front of Johnny's car in place of their fallen comrade, framing Johnny and Joan with the man's murder. Johnny and Joan are now in serious trouble. With no one believing their story, they know they are the only ones who can stop the alien invaders.

They escape through a window at the police station and enlist the dead man's roommate to help them get to the truth. What they learn due to the very convenient spotlight on Joan's car is that the aliens can be killed by light.

When the roommate is incapacitated by the aliens, they have no choice but to seek help from the only available source... The other teens at lover's lane. Together they surround the aliens with their cars and destroy them with their headlights and save the world. The end.

I've been waiting to see the Invasion of the saucermen ever since I first laid eyes on those big headed, big eyed creations. It was actually a couple of years before I figured out what movie they were from. Now finally having identified and watched the movie, I have to say it was a bit of a let down. The saucermen's presence is woefully absent, and it takes place at night so what you do see is basically quick glimpses in the dark through shrubbery. Poor use of such incredible monsters. In the end it was just a couple of teens running back and forth.

As for the military angle that I believe was supposed to add some comedy, who cares? So inconsequential I didn't even bother mentioning it.

And can I just add that morning would have vanquished the aliens without Johnny and Joan's help?


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